VIII Edition of Pietrasanta in Concerto

Friday 25 July – « Van Zweden and La Sacala, the face-off » (Chiostro)
I Cameristi della Scala di Milano, Jaap van Zweden director, Michael Guttman violin.
Max Bruch concerto; Beethoven symphony n. 5
Saturday 26 July – « Bashmet and the Moscow Soloists with the winner of the Busoni piano prize, Michail Lifits » (Chiostro)
The Moscow Soloists, Michail Lifits piano, Yuri Bashmet viola and director.
Mozart, Shostakovitch, Dvorak.
Sunday 27 July - « Bashmet and the sound of the Russian soul. The friendship between two Russian musical geniuses, Shostakovich and Weinberg » (Chiostro)
The Moscow Soloists, Yuri Bashmet director, Linus Roth violin.
Shostakovich, Weinberg.
Monday 28 luglio - « The Gurfinkel brothers, a duo of virtuose clarinetists » - on the Rocca
With an incomparable view on the Piazza Orchestra da Camera del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Toby Hoffman director, Duo Gurfinkel clarinets, Michael Guttman violin.
With an incomparable view on the Piazza Orchestra da Camera del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Toby Hoffman director, Duo Gurfinkel clarinets, Michael Guttman violin.
Film scores and a double dose of virtuosity with the prodigious Gurfinkel brothers.
Tuesday 29 July – « Romantic serenade, the love tory between Robert and Clara Schu-mann, in music and words » (Chiostro)
Werner Van Mechelen baritone, Karin Lechner piano, Michael Guttman violin, Anton Martynov violin, Toby Hoffman viola.
Narrators : Monica Guerritore, Ronald Guttman.
Wednesday 30 July – « The mystical atmospheres of Mario Brunello » (Chiostro)
Mario Brunello cello, Yuri Bashmet viola and The Moscow Soloists.
John Taverner and Russian music with the best ambassadors of Russian culture.
Thursday 31 July – « Four hands and four feet, an evening of music and dance for the first time in Pietrasanta » (Chiostro)
Drew Jacoby, Bryan Arias and Brett Conway, dancers.
Karin Lechner piano, Michael Guttman violin.
Music by Bach, Massenet, de Falla, Prokofiev, Brahms.
Friday 1 August – « Boris Berezovsky and his friends meet for a passionate Dvorak quintet » (Chiostro)
Boris Berezovsky piano, Michael Guttman violin, Anton Martynov violin, Toby Hoffman viola, Henri Demarquette cello.
Dvorak quintet, Fauré sonata, Rachmaninov trio.
Saturday 2 August – « Vadim Repin and his friends tell Tchaikovsky’s “Souvenirs de Florence” » (Chiostro)
Vadim Repin violin, Michael Guttman violin, Anton Martynov violin, Toby Hoffman viola, Henri Demarquette cello.
Tchaikovsky’s Souvenirs de Florence, Bartok and more.
Salvatore Accardo, violin and the Estrio trio.
Mozart (duo for violin and viola), Chausson (concerto for violin, piano and string quartet), Mendelssohn trio.